Frame Support




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1·Enter enable jumbo-frame ports 1-48 — Turns on jumbo frame support.
输入enable jumbo - frame ports 1 - 48——开启巨型帧支持。
2·This is based on some longer time frame support or resistance, or on the test of a previous significant high or low.
3·Strong wood columns and bamboo frame support the large and sloping-in roof, collecting rainwater for reuse in irrigation and daily activities.
4·The undecorated frame support is a result of an entry in Sun's bug database, bug ID 4038769 from March 1997, and frame zooming support was requested in August 1997 with bug ID 4071554.
无修饰 Frame 支持的产生是由于在 1997 年春季,Sun 的错误数据库记录了相关错误,错误标识号为 4038769,Frame 缩放支持在 1997 年 8 月被提出,错误标识号为 4071554。
5·Every time a function is called, a new stack frame (an area of memory inside the stack) is used to support the call.
6·The model depicted here has an elaborately carved frame and upholstery that is nicely rounded on all surfaces for increased support and comfort.
7·Apart from support for transparency, GIF also is supports animations, limiting every frame to 256 preselected colors.
8·A portal framework that creates a window frame around the portlet content often provides additional ICONS to support changes of portlet modes or window states.
9·As mentioned before, Oracle Designer will stop adding any new features after Oracle 10g, but looking forward, RDA does plan to provide support for Oracle 11g in the fixpack 5 time frame.
正如前面提到的,Oracle Designer将停止添加oracle 10g之后的任何新特性,但是RDA计划在fixpack 5中提供对Oracle 11g的支持。
10·Make it about what your boss already wants: Don't position your web 2.0 idea as a social media initiative; frame it as your initiative to support your boss's goals, in your boss's language.
更新时间:2025-02-23 02:13